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Welcome to the Official Website of the Assembly of Jerusalem – the Holy See of Mar Ya’aqub ha’Tzadik (St. James the Righteous) and its various Spiritual Communities abroad.

The Assembly traces its origins back to Mount Sinai and to the Holy City of Jerusalem, being the Ancient Church that continues to this day to preserve the Apostolic teachings and rich heritage of its ancient Patriarchs. The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is the Apostolic and Historical See of Saint James established in 33 C.E. The Holy Church, remaining faithful to the command of our Lord and to the teaching and practice of the Early Church, has maintained its Apostolic Succession throughout the trials and tribulations throughout its history.

The Spiritual Communities within the jurisdiction in communion with the Catholicos Patriarch are responsible for propagating and guarding the Judaeo-Orthodox Faith of Maran Yeshua Mshikha and His Apostles.

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Why do we read events concerning Shavuot during all Holy Days?

We include the reading of the second chapter of Acts during all major holy days of the year because it is the tradition of the Teacher of Righteousness. He said:

“The character of the disciples and apostles of Mashiach is to be holy, pure and full of light; it is Ruach ha’Kodesh that purifies the mind and the body. The account of Ruach ha’Kodesh coming down and upon the heads of the followers of Yeshua should never be forgotten. Its importance for the Assembly today can not be overstated.”

Some suggested readings for Sukkot: John 7; Leviticus 23:33-34; Deuteronomy 16:13; Nehemiah 8:17-18; Acts chapter 2